Firmenkurse von SmartTalk
Investieren Sie in die Zukunft Ihres Unternehmens
Investieren Sie in die Zukunft Ihres Unternehmens
Investieren Sie in die Zukunft Ihres Unternehmens
Our company courses
Added value for companies

Well-functioning communication in everyday business requires speaking a common language. Good language skills open doors to the international business world and help with the integration of foreign-language employees. Good PC skills are just as indispensable in almost any professional activity today.
Florian Rieder
SmartTalk manager
Training opportunities are highly valued by employees. Existing basic competencies lead to more work efficiency and job satisfaction.
Further training opportunities have a team-building effect and promote integration. Employees with poor language or PC skills can integrate better and faster into existing work teams through targeted support.
Solid PC skills are a prerequisite in many professions; they open up new fields of work and have a positive effect on workplace flexibility.
Good language skills create confidence in dealing with customers, business partners and employees who speak other languages.
In addition to language skills, course participants also acquire a great deal of technical know-how in language courses, such as telephony or presentation skills.
Companies that want to operate and expand internationally benefit from intercultural knowledge, which is also taught by native-speaking course instructors.
The business department of our school has been working with renowned companies in Central Switzerland for many years. Here you will find a selection of business cases.
References and quality assurance

Mobility: Französisch
Französisch- und Englischkurse für die bessere interne Kommunikation zwischen den Departementen. Die Kurse finden wöchentlich in-house statt und helfen den Mitarbeitenden sich stetig zu verbessern.

Bucherer: Englisch Business
Business Kurse über Mittag, um die Mitarbeitenden für kommende Aufgaben vorzubereiten und internationale Projekte voranzutreiben. Die Kurse können vor Ort, an der Schule in Luzern oder online durchgeführt werden.

Maxon: Grundkompetenzförderung
Kurse fördern arbeitsbezogene Grundkompetenzen, die in Produktionsprozessen nötig sind. Grosser Pluspunkt: Grundkompetenzkurse werden staatlich finanziell durch das Förderschwerpunktprogramm Grundkompetenzen gestützt.
Quality and partner
SmartTalk is EduQua certified and works with many recognized partners. The school is a recognized exam preparation center for both the Cambridge English diplomas and the French diplomas Delf and Dalf.
Reach your goal in just a few steps
Festlegen der Ziele
In einem ersten Schritt werden Ziele und Inhalte der Kurse festgelegt und
mittels einer Offerte festgehalten, die auch Preise und Ziele beinhaltet. Es wird
definiert, welche qualitätssichernden Massnahmen eingesetzt werden und welcher zeitliche Rahmen eingehalten werden soll.
Durchführung von Kursen
Kursteilnehmende erhalten Informationen zum Kursangebot. Sie werden mittels
online Einstufungstests in Absprache mit den HR Verantwortlichen homogenen Gruppen zugeordnet. Beim Kursstart wird die
Kursleitung vorgestellt und das Kursmaterial abgegeben.
Während der Kurszeit werden Tests und Umfragen eingesetzt, um den Erfolg zu
messen. Sie erhalten Kursreporte, die Auskunft zu Anwesenheit und Fortschritt der
Teilnehmenden geben. Am Schluss erhalten die Teilnehmenden ein Kurszertifikat, auf
das sie stolz sein werden.
Which courses are available?
Unternehmensspezifische Kurse
Fördern Kenntnisse, die gezielt auf betriebliche Kommunikationsanliegen fokussieren. Im Zentrum steht der Ausbau der P- Kenntnisse oder die Verbesserung der Kommunikation am Arbeitsplatz, mit Mitarbeitenden oder Geschäftspartnern.
Branchenspezifischer Wortschatz oder beispielsweise Telefonieskills können im Fokus stehen.
Vermitteln Basiskenntnisse für Mitarbeitende, die wenig Kenntnisse im Umgang mit Computern haben oder ihre Sprachkenntnisse ausbauen sollten.
Zielsprachen sind Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch oder Spanisch. In diesen Kursen wird Basiswissen aufgebaut und gleichzeitig die Nutzung im Berufsalltag erprobt.
Bereiten auf international anerkannte Diplome vor (z.B. EDCL, Cambridge, Telc, Delf/Dalf ), die als berufliche Qualifikation von Mitarbeitenden sehr beliebt sind.
Im SmartTalk Team agieren viele Kursleitende, die als Fach- oder Prüfungsexperten und -expertinnen für Testorganisationen, wie Cambridge oder Delf/Dalf arbeiten und Ihre Erfahrung weitergeben können.
Prices and more
Attractive prices
The prices for in-house courses vary depending on the course format. We give a discount for several consecutive courses. We will be happy to send you the exact prices, please open the contact form here for a price request.
Flexible course times
For groups of 3 to 12 participants, we recommend a minimum duration of 60 minutes per course day. Faster progress is achieved with 75 and 90 minutes per day of the course. Possible
are also courses at off-peak times or over lunchtime.

Course material, e-learning
The course books are carefully selected and supplemented with additional material and e-learning tasks. This way the lessons stay lively and the goals set are achieved.
Self study
In order to deepen the learning material, we recommend that the participants solve tasks independently after the course. How much time should be invested for this can be defined with the personnel management.
The most common questions about our company courses
Read more about our in-house courses and the most important questions here. We would be happy to provide you with further information in a personal conversation.
In which subjects does SmartTalk specialize?
We specialize in PC courses (Office programs) and language courses. Languages ​​offered are English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Our in-house offer includes basic courses, business courses and industry-specific courses. The lessons take place in groups or as individual lessons.
Where does SmartTalk offer company courses?
The company courses either take place at your location or at our school in the center of Lucerne. On-site company courses offer the advantage that the course times can be adapted to your operational processes and that your employees do not have to spend any additional travel expenses.
What are the typical contents of company courses?
The PC courses can be basic courses for employees who have little knowledge as well as courses for advanced computer users who want to get to know Office programs specifically in their application or who want to prepare for an ECDL diploma.
In the language courses , we train employees in everyday situations such as writing e-mails and general correspondence, making phone calls or holding customer meetings, as well as presentations and negotiations. We also offer industry and subject-specific training courses. In the classroom, we put a lot of emphasis on oral expression and listening and reading comprehension. In each lesson, the course participants have the opportunity to apply the language skills they have acquired in an everyday and job-specific context.
What length of course does SmartTalk recommend for company courses?
For groups of 6 to 12 participants, we recommend a minimum course duration of 60 minutes per course day. Faster progress is achieved with 75 and 90 minutes per day of the course. It is important to choose the course time in such a way that the course attendance is well integrated into the daily work routine and, if possible, all course participants can attend the course regularly.
When is one-to-one tuition an advantage?
One-to-one tuition is particularly suitable for employees who are very busy with their time and where the lessons therefore have to be planned very flexibly. Even if an employee has specific teaching requirements, one-to-one tuition can lead to the goal most efficiently.
What is the exact process from the inquiry to the start of the course?
In order to precisely determine the training requirements, we will hold a detailed initial meeting with you, which is advantageous directly at your company. Based on this conversation, we create a course plan, which includes the course objectives, the time required and the budget. The course schedule serves as the basis for our offer. There is also the option of a free trial lesson on site so that you can get to know our offer even better.
As soon as we have the go for the courses, we will send your employees an e-mail to take our online placement test or we will clarify which course is suitable. The language placement test consists of 25 multiple choice questions and can be completed in around 10 minutes. With the help of the results, we group your employees into classes, invite them to the courses after consultation with you and procure the teaching material.
What course materials are used in the courses?
Depending on the course objective and level, we use different course materials. We discuss the use of the course materials with the HR department and then organize this for all participants.
What distinguishes the SmartTalk course instructors and what are their qualifications?
All of our course instructors are proven experts. You regularly take part in further training and make the lessons modern and efficient. When it comes to languages, only people who are native speakers teach.
How do we know whether the employees actually attend the courses and how their knowledge is improving?
The learning progress of the employees and the attendance in the courses are recorded. If desired, tests on the learning progress can also be carried out. This information is made available to the HR department.
Do employees receive a course certificate?
Your employees will receive a course certificate from our school, which shows which course was attended. Further details are the training period and the number of lessons, and for languages ​​also the level.
How high are the costs and how is it billed?
Our cost rates are for 60 minutes. If you book consecutive courses, you will receive a 10% discount. In addition, the course books and, depending on the location, travel expenses will be charged. The course costs and expenses are usually billed monthly.
How does SmartTalk check the quality of the courses?
We regularly conduct surveys to find out how satisfied our employees are with the courses. The results of the surveys are then discussed with the HR managers.
Are there any references?
The business department of our school has been working with renowned companies in Central Switzerland for many years. Above you will find a selection of business cases. Our clientele includes well-known companies from Central Switzerland that are active internationally or that will increasingly do so in the future.
Why should we choose SmartTalk for our company courses?
We offer lessons at the highest level at advantageous conditions. We are small, flexible and fully geared towards your needs. Our lessons are personal and should motivate and inspire your employees.